Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Lots of firsts for Quincy!!!

Well, Wednesday is almost officially over.  I finally got Quincy to sleep.  He took a long nap today, so wasn't too tired tonight at bedtime.  He and baba are upstairs in bed, so I have some quiet time to actually post. No pictures tonight though.  They take a long time to upload on this computer and I need to sleep at some point too.
We woke up this morning and had breakfast in the hotel dining room. In our hotel room, Quincy seemed hungry, but he was pretty intimidated by the restaurant and kept saying that he wasn't hungry anymore, so that we would not sit down at the table.  Once we got him sitting down with food in front of him, he changed his tune and ate like a horse.   We just need to keep an eye on him so that he doesn't choke.  He crams all of his food in his mouth, so that he can barely chew, rather than chewing one bite and swallowing it.  He eats very fast, like the food will be taken away, and isn't picky at all.  He pretty much eats whatever we put in front of him.  He makes faces if he doesn't like the taste, but he'll still eat it...  I'm sure all of that is the result of being in the orphanage with no food choices, and limited portions.  He also drinks a LOT of water, which means he's peeing every 30 minutes or so, but he's really good about using the bathroom by himself, if he knows where it is, or letting us know that he needs to go, if he doesn't know where the bathroom is.   He slept through the night with no problems last night too.
We went to the zoo this morning, and the animals were interesting to him, but not nearly as cool as the little bubble gun we bought for him.  It's one that runs on batteries.  You dip it in soap bubbles, pull the trigger, and it blows bubbles.  He went through almost the entire bottle of bubbles today.  Luckily we have more.  I'll need to get more batteries soon though. :)

This afternoon, we went shopping for shoes and clothes.  Most of the clothes we brought were a little to big. He's a skinny boy, but with the way he's been eating around us, that will probably change soon... He got Spiderman tennis shoes and some sandals.  Both light up when he steps on them.  He loves the lights, and I'm afraid that he's going to run into things all the time now, since he just stares at his feet and doesn't watch where he's going when he walks.
Today was a much better day than yesterday.  Quincy is already learning to trust us.  He actually let baba carry his precious backpack while we were out today.  His backpack now has his medicine, photos, cars, book, bubble gun, bubbles, Kleenex and water. He won't go anywhere without his stuff.  I think his carry-on luggage is already packed!  I think he's scared to lose his things and is always unsure if we will be coming back, so he feels like he has to take everything with him. 
Overall, he's been great.  He's very energetic and curious, but also pretty willing to listen when necessary.  Even though we have VERY rudimentary language skills in Mandarin, and he speaks a mixture of the local dialect and Mandarin, we've been communicating pretty well.  I wish I knew what he was saying when he is trying to tell me things, but we've got the basics figured out.  Tonight when I was giving him his bath, he was just jabbering away about something, but I have no earthly idea what.  We bought a DVD called "English Gifted Child", which is for teaching Chinese children English.  He watched part of one of them, and was singing along to some of the songs, so I think he'll get it soon enough.  He'll often repeat words after us, too, even though I'm pretty sure he has no idea what they mean...  The only English word he's used independently so far is "yah".  (as in the Minnesotan pronunciation of "yeah").  Thanks to Grandma Jan, Jason and I must have slipped back into our MN accents.  Oh well, I guess there are worse things. :)
Time for bed now.  Tomorrow we plan to go to the notary office, a cultural museum of some sort, and the bookstore.  Should be a fun busy day!  Hopefully I'll have time to post again.
Love and peace,


Kelli said...

Sounds like an exciting day full of discoveries for Quincy! (for both of you too!) How exciting to be exporing Kunming together with Quincy! what a special gift that the 4 of you will be able to share the memory of meeting for the first time...that Quincy will be able to remember some of the events Himself and not just through stories about meeting his new Mama & Baba & Grandma!

Sara Muchinsky said...

Nice work! We are so glad everything is going well. Brian will also be jealous if he takes up the Mama Baba convention because our 18 month old calls both of us Mama. Try to get some sleep and enjoy all of your Newness together. We can't wait to meet him!