Monday, August 13, 2007

Leaving on a Jet Plane...

Well, it is 8:15am in Kunming. We are leaving here to go to the airport for the boy's 1st plane trip. It is, thankfully, a short one. Only 2hours. Plus we have Richard there to try and explain what is going on. We have the DVD player charged, and his Winnie dvd at the ready. We hope that he will eat, watch some "winnie" and then we will be there, in hot, sticky, Guangzhao.
Richard, our guide and amazing friend, has helped a lot with trying to explain things to Quincy. He does a great job of helping with that without being too involved in the bonding with us and Q. Richard says he has a hard time understanding the boy as well. he says that Q speaks a combo of Mandrin, the local dialect and now mixed in with some English... whoopie! 
Ok, so, we are off to the airport, or at least to the room to try and convince the boy that once his toy goes into a bag, it will come out again. OOFDAH!

The Laflins

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So how did his first plane ride go? Are you guys at the Victory now?