Friday, August 24, 2007

Home for a week

This week has gone by in a blur, but we are starting to settle into a routine.  Quincy's finally starting to sleep through the night, although mama and baba are still having a hard time with our sleep schedules...
Top ten things we've learned about Quincy in the last three weeks.
1.  Things are more fun if mama or baba (preferably both) is watching.
2.  He doesn't like pistachio ice cream.
3.  Cats are acceptable only if Quincy approaches them, NOT when they come up to him.
4.  He REALLY doesn't like to get his blood drawn. 
5.  He is scared to be alone at night.
6.  He loves yogurt.
7.  He REALLY loves cars. 
8.  He loves playing in water and in sandboxes.
9.  He's doesn't really know how to play with other kids yet. (He's not used to interacting with them as equals, so it's all kind of new.
10. We are madly in love with this little boy.
Things Quincy has learned:
1. If he says he has to go to the bathroom, he can get out of the current unpleasant activity for a moment.  (Like going to bed, waiting in the boring doctor's office, etc.)
2. If he acts like he's going to cry, he is more likely to get his way.  (Mama and Baba are working to correct that one...)
3. Pancakes are amazing.  They turn from powder to liquid to solid, which is truly an amazing miracle of nature.
4. Playing in sprinklers is VERY cool.
5. Heaven exists (in the form of Toys R Us)
6. He can sometimes get out of disciplinary situations by using English words in his cute little accent and showing how much he's learned...  
7. Watching himself on video is more fun than watching other movies or TV.
8. Picking and eating his own food from the garden (a cucumber) is really neat.
9. If he asks to watch movies (Cars or Piglet's Big Movie) for long enough, mama and baba will probably get tired and give in.
10.  Mama and Baba will come running whenever he needs/wants them...

1 comment:

Kelli said...

Too sweet!! Thanks for the lovely post, a wonderful way to start my workday in Germany today!!!