Monday, August 20, 2007

Home Sweet Home!

I can't believe it's already Monday morning.  I've lived the last few days in a fog.  Jet lag going TO China was almost non-existent.  Jet lag coming home has reared it's ugly head in an unbelievably forceful way...
The flight home was what I have to consider my first true initiation into parenting.  Quincy didn't sleep much at all.  He dozed for about an hour on the 5 hour flight from Guangzhou to Tokyo, and was ready to be done traveling when we got to Tokyo. Before we left China, we had Richard explain to him that we were taking an airplane to America.   But we forgot to have him explain the concept of a layover.  When we were landing in Tokyo, Quincy kept saying "Mei Guo" (America).  My Chinese isn't good enough to explain that we had to get on another airplane for 9 more hours before we would be in America.  He was bitterly disappointed to have to get on another airplane.
He had his first breakdown about an hour into the flight from Tokyo to Seattle.  He sobbed and cried for about half and hour and was inconsolable.  The poor little guy was SO tired.  I thought he would cry himself to sleep.  I was wrong.  He didn't fall asleep until a couple of hours before we landed.  The first 7 hours of that flight were miserable for everyone involved, and no one was allowed to sleep. 
Dan and Tracy and Emily (Bridget's cousin, his wife and their daughter) met us at the airport along with Grandma and Grandpa O'Connell.  We came home and Quincy got his first taste of his new life.  He loved the swing set in the back yard, and when we showed him his room, he promptly made several trips up and down the stairs, to bring ALL of the Tiggers down to the living room.  I don't think he understands yet that everything in the bedroom is for him.  Since all of the adults were hanging out downstairs, I think he felt like he had to bring everything down to show that he was claiming it or something...
He also met the cats.  He seems intrigued by Moo and scared of Trumpet.  Moo is old, and possibly the most sedintary cat in the universe.  Trumpet is normally pretty skittish.  Quincy seems curious about the cats, but only on his own terms.  He wants to go up to them, and not the other way around. Trumpet jumped up onto Quincy's bed, to cuddle up at night, and Quincy was pretty scared by him.  It's gonna take some time for him to get used to having animals around.
Quincy's sleep schedule is definitely hard wired into him, so he has NOT wanted to sleep at night here, since his biological clock says that it's daytime.  We've been trying to keep him up during the day so he will sleep at night.  So far, it hasn't really worked.  I think he got about 3 hours of sleep last night, and daddy and I got about the same.  Hopefully we'll all be so tired tonight that we just pass out for about 10-12 hours. :)
Love and peace,


Kelli said...

Welcome HOME! Best of luck getting into a west coast sleep schedule again...hope it comes quick!!!

Anonymous said...

Welcome home is great when you get to share it what a child!

Thanks for all the information and updates, it is great reading about your adventure!

Love and hugs,