Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Better... I think.

Well, this is Baba posting today. I was able to pull myself away from our daughter, literally, for a moment. Today we went to the flower expo. We visited this place last time with Quincy, but we thought we would try again. The exhibit is essentially a bunch of flowers and nature stuff from the various places in China. It is cool, but impossible to really take in with a 5 and 10 year old, especially a 10 year old who screams any time Mama tries to touch, talk, or look at her. I know it is just a reaction to the situation, but it is hard for both Bridget and I. I have had a headache since we landed and today it peaked. I was nearly out this morning, but things improved enough for me to make the expo trip. Over all it was fun, but of course Meg continued to test her boundaries by running off, getting into places she shouldn't and trying to take everything hanging in the countless little stands filled with water and toy-junk.
Meg is definitely making improvements, but it is very hard to gauge which of her reactions are real and which are just trying to solicit a reaction from us. It is much like we have adopted a 4 year old again, but this time in a much bigger body that can't be thrown on my shoulders. One highlight at the expo was when Mama, Meg, Quincy and grandma all dressed up in "traditional costumes" for pictures. Attached are a few. Also the one of the TV is from Meg. She got a hold of the camera and apparently took about 35 blurry pictures of the tv.
Overall things are getting better, the meltdowns are getting further apart and the mad dashes for the door/street/water are letting up a bit too. We just can't wait to get home.
Peace to you all and keep us in your thoughts... the plane ride to Guangzhou is in 2 days... yikes.

1 comment:

Kelli said...

Hang in there Mama & Baba- hope your flight to Guangzhou went smoothly, and you have a little less stressful time hanging out on Shamien Island...!