Friday, January 4, 2008

Back to Blogging!

Okay, so it's been a long time since we posted to the blog... I'm resolving to do better, and I will try to post at least every few weeks.  I had pretty much resolved myself to leaving the blog where it is, as a journal of our trip to China.  I wasn't planning to continue it until we go back again.  Why the change, you ask?  I looked at the blog today and realized that I'd already forgotten many of the things that were on it.  I always had the idea that if things were important, I would remember. But I guess that's not necessarily true... So I'm going to attempt to keep an online journal. Also, any of you interested in the mundane lives of the Laflins can share in our continuing journey.
I can't really talk about ALL of the cute things that Quincy has done in the past 4 months.  They're just too numerous to count.  He's wonderful, and we're finally getting pretty adjusted to this parenthood thing.  Settling into the rhythm has been harder than we expected, but it's totally worth it, and we are madly in love with this whirling dervish we call Quincy.
So I'm going to start with today.  He thought of a new way to try and get his way this morning.  I asked him to put his pants on when we were getting dressed, and he said "No."  I told him to listen to Mama.  He said, "No listen mama, listen grandma!" I told him that he had to listen to me, and eventually I did get him dressed.  When my mom showed up to baby-sit this morning, I told her about it, and she said that yesterday she had a similar episode. She told Quincy to do something, and he said "No listen Grandma, listen Baba!".  Since Baba was right there, he told Quincy to do the same thing that Grandma had told him.  Then he said "No listen Baba, Listen Grandpa!" and went in to the other room to get Grandpa, in hopes that the results would be different. Unfortunately for him, the adults maintained a solid front, and he had no choice.  But not for lack of trying.  Maybe he'll be a lawyer one day... Finding loopholes like that seems pretty advanced for a 4 year old...

1 comment:

Kelli said...

Ooh that's pretty funny! He's learning quick! Do you have any pets? I can imagine him saying, "no listen Mama, listen KITTY!" once he figures out all the adults give him the same answer! funny!